TNTP Releases “Teacher Talent Toolbox”

TNTP has released its newest resource—the Teacher Talent Toolbox.  The Toolbox “is a repository of successful strategies and practical resources that schools, districts, and networks can draw on to create effective human capital policies, with the aim of creating sustained, scalable models for effective instruction.”  It is essentially an open-source library of resources that focus on recruiting, hiring, and retaining a highly effective teaching staff.

Tailored to the needs of schools serving high-poverty communities, the tools address six critical areas:

1. Recruitment & Hiring
2. Evaluation
3. Retaining High Performers
4. Performance Accountability
5. Teacher Development
6. Building a Professional Culture

Each area contains a presentation detailing the importance of the topic and best practices from around the country.  There are also embedded tools and examples as you proceed through the presentation.  For example, in Recruitment & Hiring, there are over 30 separate resources, tools, or case studies embedded or attached, such as Louisiana’s DOE candidate screening interview questions and YES Prep’s New Teacher Induction Program overview.

The Teacher Development section focuses almost exclusively on how to use observations (formal, informal, peer, administrator, etc.) for meaningful improvement of teaching practice.  Resources from the Sci Academy, North Star Academy, West Denver Prep, the Indiana DOE, and others are included to give administrators and district leaders models from which to build.

Overall, the Toolbox is a highly valuable resource for educators at all levels, as well as district and state leaders seeking to make fundamental changes in managing teacher talent.  To access the Toolbox, please visit
