The state of Play with ESEA, in a Single Table

Michael J. Petrilli of the Fordham Institute has put together a very handy table showing us where things currently stand on ESEA re-authorization. Remember, the most recent version of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (first passed during the Johnson Administration) is No Child Left Behind, which was passed in 2001. Typically, there is a re-authorization with changes made every 6 years or so. We have now gone almost 15 years, so many education professionals are hopeful that Congress and the President can figure this one out. Below are more details from Petrilli, as well as his very useful chart:

As everyone knows, the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education act is closer to the finish line now than at any time in the past eight years. (The law was due for an update in 2007—soon after NASA sent New Horizons to Pluto. That was a long time ago.)

For a great overview of where things stand, it’s hard to beat this excellent rundown by Alyson Klein of Politics K-12.

The items that are “up in the air” are those that the Senate, House, and Obama administration will wrangle over in conference.

ESEA Table

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