Why not eliminate at least one year of high school entirely?

Writing for the Fordham Institute, Kalman R. Hettleman proposes a shortened high school experience to allow students to get a jump-start on postsecondary education. Excerpts from the piece appear below. Michael J. Petrilli’s recent article “Half-Time High School may be just what students need“ is compelling. Yet proposals to cut school time in half in Read more about Why not eliminate at least one year of high school entirely?[…]

10 Drivers of Engagement You Can Use Right Now

Writing for KnowledgeWorks, Ted Toshalis provides an overview of 10 ways that teachers can drive student engagement in equitable ways. Excerpts from the piece appear below: What should we do to increase student engagement? Access and opportunity – Open doors, supply tools, broker relationships and explain processes. Take nothing for granted when it comes to Read more about 10 Drivers of Engagement You Can Use Right Now[…]

Engaging Students in Civic Discourse

With all of the uncertainty around the pandemic, getting  students settled into the classroom—whether in-person or virtual—and ready to learn this fall was already going to be challenging. But we are also heading into what promises to be a contentious and polarizing election season, and students will need help navigating this difficult political environment. In Read more about Engaging Students in Civic Discourse[…]

Many Students with the Potential to Excel in STEM Fields Struggle in School

Writing for the Fordham Institute, Joni Lakin and Jonathan Wai review the struggles that visual learners encounter in traditional schooling and outline the loss to the STEM field when these students decide STEM is not for them. Excerpts of the piece appear below: Students who have the kinds of talent scientists and engineers need to Read more about Many Students with the Potential to Excel in STEM Fields Struggle in School[…]

New Report Identifies Critical Predictive Metrics for Preventing a “Lost COVID Cohort”

Education Strategy Group (ESG) and the Level Up Coalition have released a new report, From Tails To Heads: Building Momentum for Postsecondary Success, estimating that there are roughly 7,000 high schools across the United States in which students of color or from low-income families have less than a 50 percent chance of transitioning directly to Read more about New Report Identifies Critical Predictive Metrics for Preventing a “Lost COVID Cohort”[…]

The “Gifted Gap” Was Already Growing Before the Pandemic

Writing for the Fordham Institute, Chris Yalumaby reviews the “gifted gap” between low- and high-income students and the compounding effects of the Coronavirus pandemic. Excerpts from the piece appear below: The Covid-19 pandemic has further exposed the inequities that have long existed in the K-12 education system. School closures due to the outbreak are particularly Read more about The “Gifted Gap” Was Already Growing Before the Pandemic[…]

A Three-year Bachelor’s Degree

Writing for AEI, Michael Poliakoff makes a case for a three-year Bachelor’s degree. Excerpts from the piece appear below: College students, regardless of their majors or professional programs, need a rigorous liberal arts core curriculum. That curriculum must efficiently develop college-level skills and knowledge in the arts and sciences disciplines that are necessary for success Read more about A Three-year Bachelor’s Degree[…]

5 Things Educators Can Do Virtually to Support Students Experiencing Trauma

For many students, the COVID-19 pandemic is compounding traumatic experiences for diverse reasons, such as potential increased incidents of neglect, abuse, and isolation. At the same time, educators are limited in how they can support their students while schools are closed. REL Appalachia (REL AP) has been working with key stakeholders from the region in Read more about 5 Things Educators Can Do Virtually to Support Students Experiencing Trauma[…]

Building a Diverse Teacher Workforce

Improving diversity among educators is one way to alleviate some of the persistent and systemic racial disparities in academic achievement and student discipline. But about 80% of the educator workforce is white, while more than half of the nation’s K-12 population is racially and ethnically diverse. A new Education Commision of the States report shows Read more about Building a Diverse Teacher Workforce[…]

How can states jump-start college learning in high school?

ExcelinEd recently released a 2-minute video exploring college acceleration opportunities. College acceleration opportunities offer high school students the chance to prepare for college-level expectations while earning valuable college credit.  Best of all, the earned credit from opportunities like Advanced Placement (AP), Cambridge Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE), College Level Examination Program (CLEP), dual credit, Read more about How can states jump-start college learning in high school?[…]

Social-Emotional and Academic Development Through an Equity Lens

Ed Trust has released a new report that calls for school and district leaders to approach social-emotional and academic development through an equity lens. Currently, in too many places, the approach is to focus narrowly on changing student behavior rather than implementing practices that build relationships and create learning environments that support positive social-emotional growth. Read more about Social-Emotional and Academic Development Through an Equity Lens[…]

How Did The World’s Highest Performing Education Systems Approach Distance Learning?

Almost all top-performing education systems transitioned to distance learning this past spring so students could continue learning during coronavirus-related school closures. In a new paper, NCEE summarizes initial takeaways from their experiences. They found that top-performing jurisdictions:  -Were initially better positioned than the U.S. to quickly implement distance learning;  -Increased capacity in this area since Read more about How Did The World’s Highest Performing Education Systems Approach Distance Learning?[…]

Key Decisions for More Effective Distance Learning in the Fall

Writing for Future Ed, David Rosenberg, a partner at Education Resource Strategies, offers a commentary on how school districts can change the way they administer online learning to improve schools.  Through ERS’ work with district leaders to develop COVID Comeback School Models, the organization has identified three key decisions district leaders must make about remote Read more about Key Decisions for More Effective Distance Learning in the Fall[…]

Digital Promise’s Equity in the Driver’s Seat

Writing for Digital Promise, Babe Liberman and Viki Young, Ph.D., explore a practice-driven, equity-centered approach for setting R&D agendas in education. The project invited teachers to collaborate with researchers, funders, and education leaders to develop these equity-focused agendas.  The report presents illustrative examples of R&D agendas based on the driving questions that district partners raised Read more about Digital Promise’s Equity in the Driver’s Seat[…]

Making Education Everyone’s Business: Three Studies of Successful Education Advocacy

Business leaders play a critical role in ensuring that our education systems enable young people to gain the skills, knowledge, and experiences they need to be successful in the current and future economy. Business voices can be powerful tools to help shape policy, champion programs, and advocate for greater coordination and alignment among the early Read more about Making Education Everyone’s Business: Three Studies of Successful Education Advocacy[…]

Youth Engagement Guide

A new youth engagement guide, published by America’s Promise, contains actionable strategies that educators, program providers, coaches, mentors, and other youth-supporting adults can use to authentically listen to and engage with young people about how they experience social, emotional, and cognitive development. The guide features 10 steps for meaningful and mutually beneficial engagement, as follows: Read more about Youth Engagement Guide[…]