Rising Together: How Four Districts are Building Community During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Community, collaboration, and relationships have become more important than ever during the COVID-19 pandemic. Across the country, many school districts have embraced this opportunity to rethink how to engage with families and the surrounding community.   We know that family and community engagement is critical for lasting improvement in schools and school systems; it is linked Read more about Rising Together: How Four Districts are Building Community During the COVID-19 Pandemic[…]

The Pandemic Offers an Opportunity to Rethink K-16 Education

Dan Domenech, executive director of AASA, The Superintendents Association, recently wrote a piece for the National Student Clearinghouse, claiming that the pandemic provides an opportunity to rethink the education system and to move toward exposing K-12 students to “opportunities and pathways that are available other than just a college degree.” “The reality is that after Read more about The Pandemic Offers an Opportunity to Rethink K-16 Education[…]

Study Finds that Habit Formation Could Block Teacher Improvement

For teachers, the development of habits is a necessary concession to the unpredictable nature of their job. Morning assignments, class transitions, even behavior management need to be governed by routines that are as predictable for kids as they are effective for adults. But according to new research, these habits may be responsible for the slowing Read more about Study Finds that Habit Formation Could Block Teacher Improvement[…]

Accurate Student Poverty Data Is Crucial to Supporting All Students: Fast Facts for Policymakers and System Leaders

The Data Quality Campaign recently released a set of fast facts for policymakers and system leaders about the importance and challenge of accessing accurate student poverty data.  Accurate student poverty data is critical to identify students who may be facing challenges, measure their growth, and ensure that they get the supports that will help them Read more about Accurate Student Poverty Data Is Crucial to Supporting All Students: Fast Facts for Policymakers and System Leaders[…]

K-12 Professional Development Trends to Watch in 2021

Writing for K-12 Dive, Katie Navarra recently reviewed new trends emerging for K-12 educator professional learning. Excerpts from the piece appear below: The coronavirus has required teachers, like their students, to shift how they receive training and support. Even when schools can return to “normal,” these forced changes may result in long-term benefits. Following are Read more about K-12 Professional Development Trends to Watch in 2021[…]

Refocus on SEL

The start of the second semester offers an opportunity to pause and assess your school or district needs—which is particularly valuable now in the face of continued challenges. CASEL has released a brief titled Refocus on the SEL Roadmap: Actions for a Successful Semester.  Adapted from CASEL’s SEL Roadmap, this brief focuses on three core Read more about Refocus on SEL[…]

The “Silent Epidemic” Finds Its Voice: Demystifying How Students View Engagement in Their Learning

McREL researchers Samantha Holquist and Marisa Crowder collaborated with members of student voice organizations in Oregon and Kentucky to provide us with a deeper level of understanding about what may be shaping students’ engagement in the school community. Their research report is comprehensive, offering many insights from the students’ perspective and proposing a framework for Read more about The “Silent Epidemic” Finds Its Voice: Demystifying How Students View Engagement in Their Learning[…]

Key Takeaways from a Decade of Research on Gifted Education

Dr. Jennifer Glynn served as Director of Research and Evaluation at the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation from 2011 to 2020. In a recent article for the National Association for Gifted Children, she shares 10 of her key takeaways related to gifted education and the gifted identification gap. Excerpts of the article appear below: After almost Read more about Key Takeaways from a Decade of Research on Gifted Education[…]

Broken Pipeline: Teacher Preparation’s Diversity Problem

Closing the teacher diversity gap is one of the most important steps we can take to make public education more equitable. But as many school systems across the country have prioritized the issue, one institution has largely escaped scrutiny: teacher preparation programs. In a report from TNTP, researchers use data from the U.S. Department of Read more about Broken Pipeline: Teacher Preparation’s Diversity Problem[…]

Districts Advancing Racial Equity Tool

Decades of reforms have proven insufficient to address persistent racial disparities in educational opportunities. In school systems across the United States, meaningful efforts to ensure access to strong educational opportunities require a bold and significant shift. A new tool from the Learning Policy Institute and the Racial Equity Leadership Network, a program of the Southern Read more about Districts Advancing Racial Equity Tool[…]

The 10 Most Significant Education Studies of 2020

Edutopia reviewed hundreds of educational studies in 2020 and has highlighted 10 that they believe are the most significant—covering topics from virtual learning to the reading wars and the decline of standardized tests. Selected studies include the following: To teach vocabulary, let kids be thespians. Neuroscientists defend the value of teaching handwriting – again. The Read more about The 10 Most Significant Education Studies of 2020[…]

Education in the Balance: Tensions Affecting Education’s Future

A new resource from KnowledgeWorks offers guidance on influencing the future of learning in turbulent times. As we navigate uncertainty, leaders at all levels of education and throughout the community need to grapple with key issues and the tensions that they raise as they strive to meet learners’ needs in virtual, hybrid, and place-based settings.  Read more about Education in the Balance: Tensions Affecting Education’s Future[…]

Transforming Education into a Learning System

Every day, educators, advocates, and families strive to ensure that our schools prepare all students to excel academically and thrive in life. To realize that ambitious goal, we must ensure that our education sector functions at all levels as a learning system. Too often, though, a culture of compliance and a desire to preserve the Read more about Transforming Education into a Learning System[…]

Researchers Pinpoint Three Elements of Effective Schools

Writing for the Hechinger Report, Jill Barshay recently reviewed a new index being used in Chicago to identify high schools with the best outcomes. Excerpts from the piece appear below:  Parents are often stymied by the process of picking a good school for their kids. Word-of-mouth recommendations can be misleading. High test scores provide only Read more about Researchers Pinpoint Three Elements of Effective Schools[…]

How Do Teacher Preparation Programs Affect a State’s Economy?

Every year, local and state governments spend billions of dollars on economic development incentives, but even though corporations regularly say that a skilled or educated workforce is more important to them than almost any other factor — including tax incentives — few state legislatures focus on the training of those who develop that workforce: teachers. Read more about How Do Teacher Preparation Programs Affect a State’s Economy?[…]

The effects of social-emotional development on academic achievement

Olivia Piontek of the Fordham Institute recently wrote a piece reviewing the research on the effects of social-emotional development on student academic achievement. Excerpts appear below: Can attending schools that promote social-emotional development boost a student’s chance of postsecondary success? A recent study from researchers at the University of Chicago and Northwestern University suggests that Read more about The effects of social-emotional development on academic achievement[…]