New teachers outpace their veteran peers on SAT scores

A new report from Education Next demonstrates the academic differences between those entering the teaching profession in recent years and those entering in decades past. The numbers suggest that the teaching profession is benefiting from higher numbers of academic high achievers than has been the case in the past. Dan Goldhaber and Joe Walch, writing Read more about New teachers outpace their veteran peers on SAT scores[…]


Getting the Best Teachers into the Toughest Jobs

Even though it has been known for some time that teachers and principals play the largest role in student success, it is only recently that districts and schools have started making requisite changes to their strategic management of talent. This is the central contention of Allan Odden’s new report, Getting the Best People into the Read more about Getting the Best Teachers into the Toughest Jobs[…]


Inquiries Into Effective Teaching

In the most recent issue of the Harvard Educational Review, Anthony Bryk, Heather Harding, and Sharon Greenberg report on a roundtable jointly sponsored by Teach For America and the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.  The authors brought together a group of scholars and practitioners with a broad range of perspectives and asked them Read more about Inquiries Into Effective Teaching[…]


Straight Talk on Teaching Quality: Six Game-Changing Ideas

The Annenberg Institute for School Reform and the Schott Foundation for Public Education recently released a new report, Straight Talk on Teaching Quality: Six Game-Changing Ideas and What to Do About Them.  The report, which is more of a guide for improving teaching effectiveness, is based on the plethora of evidence that links teaching quality Read more about Straight Talk on Teaching Quality: Six Game-Changing Ideas[…]


Three Ways to Improve America’s Teachers

Last month, Wendy Kopp of Teach for America and Dennis Van Roekel of the National Education Association discussed their thoughts on ways to improve the teaching force in the US in an article that appeared in USa Today.  “As [education] leaders…we know from experience that great teachers are made, not born…Unfortunately, not all teachers are Read more about Three Ways to Improve America’s Teachers[…]


Principals’ Approaches to Developing Teacher Quality

Principals arguably play the most important role in ensuring that excellent teaching occurs in their school. Principals’ Approaches to Developing Teacher Quality: Constraints and Opportunities in Hiring, Assigning, Evaluating and Developing Teachers by The Center for American Progress and The Education Trust provides key findings from a study of 30 principals working in charter and Read more about Principals’ Approaches to Developing Teacher Quality[…]
