High-Quality Curricula and Team-Based Professional Learning: A Perfect Partnership for Equity

Learning Forward has released a new report, High-Quality Curricula and Team Based Professional Learning: A Perfect Partnership for Equity. This report is based on three premises: Research has found that effective teaching and high-quality materials both matter for student learning. Effective use of curriculum requires teachers who understand it deeply and use it with intentionality Read more about High-Quality Curricula and Team-Based Professional Learning: A Perfect Partnership for Equity[…]


Don’t Rate Teaching Schools Based on Student Test Scores, Study Warns

In recent years, public officials have sought to determine the quality of our nation’s teacher preparation programs, both the traditional programs at colleges and universities, as well as alternative preparation programs like Teach for America. One proposed way to do this is to track graduates into the classrooms where they become teachers to see how Read more about Don’t Rate Teaching Schools Based on Student Test Scores, Study Warns[…]


Personalized Learning Through Co-Teaching, Team Teaching, and Collaboration

Writing for The 74, Thomas Arnett and Bryan Hassel summarize ways innovative schools are utilizing novel staffing structures to facilitate personalized learning. Excerpts from their piece appear below: By adding personalized learning to teachers’ workloads without changing how schools are organized, schools face a great risk that their attempts to personalize learning will fall short Read more about Personalized Learning Through Co-Teaching, Team Teaching, and Collaboration[…]


Next Steps for Teacher Evaluation Reform

Matthew Kraft, an assistant professor of education and economics at Brown University, has researched teacher evaluation reform extensively, through surveys of principals and multiple studies of state teacher-rating systems. FutureEd Director Thomas Toch spoke with Kraft to get his perspectives on the teacher evaluation landscape. Below, he talks about the value of having multiple rating Read more about Next Steps for Teacher Evaluation Reform[…]


NCTQ Releases Strategic Teacher Compensation Databurst

NCTQ’s Strategic Teacher Compensation Databurst, a study of states’ strategic teacher compensation policies, includes a snapshot of all 50 states’ and the District of Columbia’s teacher compensation policies as they relate to providing additional compensation for effective teacher performance, teaching in high-need schools and subjects, and relevant, prior non-teaching work experience. In addition to comprehensive Read more about NCTQ Releases Strategic Teacher Compensation Databurst[…]


Disadvantaged Kids Need Equal Access to Great Teachers

Kevin Mahnken, writing for The 74, recently reviewed a new working paper by the Center for Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Education Resear (CALDER). The study, conducted by CALDER director and University of Washington professor Dan Goldhaber, synthesizes two separate research topics: the influence of teacher quality on student achievement, and the inequities in access Read more about Disadvantaged Kids Need Equal Access to Great Teachers[…]


State Mentoring Policies Key to Supporting Novice Teachers

The National Association of State Boards of Education has released a policy brief exploring state mentoring policies related to the support of novice teachers and the research on effective mentoring programs. Policy recommendations as well as state exemplar programs are offered. The brief finds that although there is evidence that formal induction programs lasting at Read more about State Mentoring Policies Key to Supporting Novice Teachers[…]


Key Strategies to Promote Educator Effectiveness

According to a new evaluation brief from National Center for Education Evaluation (NCEE), providing educators with performance feedback and offering pay-for-performance bonuses can improve student achievement. The evaluation brief synthesizes two recent NCEE impact studies, which evaluated key strategies that can be funded through the federal Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF) grants and its successor program, Read more about Key Strategies to Promote Educator Effectiveness[…]


Teacher Leadership Works

Candice McQueen and Charla Hurt recently shared the progress of a Tennessee initiative to engage effective teachers as teacher leaders for The 74. Excerpts of their piece appear below: The idea seemed like common sense: Engage the most effective teachers, ask them to come up with ideas for improving schools, and share what they know Read more about Teacher Leadership Works[…]


Study Finds Feedback to Teachers and Principals Can Improve Student Achievement in Math

A study conducted by American Institutes for Research (AIR) for the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) shows that even small amounts of the right kind of feedback to teachers and principals can have a positive effect on student achievement in math. These findings are important for states and districts looking for ways to boost educator Read more about Study Finds Feedback to Teachers and Principals Can Improve Student Achievement in Math[…]

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How School Buildings Affect Teacher Collaboration

Writing for Education Next, researchers James P. Spillane and Matthew Shirrell describe the findings of a four-year study of a midwestern suburban district, where they analyzed collaboration patterns among teachers and teased out the impact of teacher proximity to one another, shared workspace, and school design. Their analysis finds that physical proximity predicts staff interactions, Read more about How School Buildings Affect Teacher Collaboration[…]


New audio podcast series: “Teachers of the Year”

A 45-part audio podcast series, produced by NWEA, the not-for-profit creator of assessment solutions, is featuring the voices of Teachers of the Year (TOY). From personal childhood stories of poverty and violence to the immense struggles that ESL students face today – these teachers share their personal and powerful accounts of the moment that crystallized Read more about New audio podcast series: “Teachers of the Year”[…]


Strategies for Building Teacher Pipelines from CCSSO

As state leaders in education, the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) aims to make sure every child has an effective teacher every year they are in school. Unfortunately, today, the education sector is facing a major challenge when it comes to the education workforce: States struggle to attract teachers to the profession, even Read more about Strategies for Building Teacher Pipelines from CCSSO[…]


Lifelong Learners: How Redefining Professional Learning Leads to Stronger Teachers and Improved Student Outcomes

Effective teaching is the most influential factor in improving student achievement. One of the best ways to ensure students are taught by effective educators is by providing high-quality professional learning that helps teachers continuously improve and perfect their craft to meet the needs of their students. For years, many states and districts have recognized the Read more about Lifelong Learners: How Redefining Professional Learning Leads to Stronger Teachers and Improved Student Outcomes[…]


Chiefs for Change’s Bipartisan Vision for America’s Schools

A functional consensus is emerging among the nation’s boldest education leaders, producing not identical policies, but a set of vital principles that drive approaches shaped to the needs of each of their communities. It’s a set of principles born of extensive work, with the needs of students at the center. It’s worthy of the attention Read more about Chiefs for Change’s Bipartisan Vision for America’s Schools[…]


Teacher License Reciprocity: 50 State Review

Since 2016, 11 states have passed regulations making it easier for out-of-state teachers to get their licenses. This finding comes from a new report from the Education Commission of the States on teacher licensure reciprocity across all 50 states. This policy report defines and provides a review of teacher license reciprocity, explores how state-specific licensing Read more about Teacher License Reciprocity: 50 State Review[…]
