Interest in Teaching Careers Declining

The percentage-and overall number-of high school students reporting an interest in teaching has steadily declined since 2010, according to The Condition of Future Educators 2014. This ACT report compares data on the self-reported career interests of nearly 1.85 million 2014 US high school graduates who took the ACT® test, compared to those who took the Read more about Interest in Teaching Careers Declining[…]


American Opinion on Educational Standards

The Leadership Conference Education Fund, Hager Sharp Inc., and ORC International have collaborated to conduct a national survey among U.S. adults about their awareness, knowledge and attitudes regarding standards in public K-12 education. The survey broadly explores their expectations of public education and also includes questions pertaining specifically to the Common Core State Standards. The Read more about American Opinion on Educational Standards[…]


Shifting Demographics in American Schools

For the first time in American history, a majority of students in public school this year are students of color. According to projections from the National Center for Education Statistics, 49.7 percent of students entering public schools this year are white, compared to 50.3 percent of students who identify as black, Hispanic, Asian or another Read more about Shifting Demographics in American Schools[…]


“Bar Exam” for Teachers looks more likely

According to the 46th annual Phi Delta Kappa/Gallup Poll, the American public sees a need for change in how teachers are prepared, meaning a higher likelihood for the teacher “bar exam”. With stunning unanimity, the American public has concluded the nation must demand more of its future teachers and those who prepare them, a new Read more about “Bar Exam” for Teachers looks more likely[…]


2011-12 Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS) Data Release

The National Center for Education Statistics has added the 2011-12 Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS) data to PowerStats. This update includes the following datasets from the 2011-12 Schools and Staffing Survey: Public Schools, Private Schools, Public and Private Schools combined, Public Principals, Private Principals, Public and Private Principals combined, Public Teachers, Private Teachers, Public and Read more about 2011-12 Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS) Data Release[…]


To Close the Achievement Gap, We Need to Close the Teaching Gap

Linda Darling-Hammond sees the recent PISA and TALIS results as a strong indictment of the direction of American education over the last two decades. Her answer, as she explains in an article for the Huffington Post Education, is to focus on teachers. Below is an excerpt from the article: For years now, educators have looked Read more about To Close the Achievement Gap, We Need to Close the Teaching Gap[…]


Education Next Poll Results

A new poll by Education Next finds that the Common Core State Standards may have an image problem. The poll finds that the public likes the idea of shared standards – so long as the question doesn’t mention the phrase “Common Core.” Even Republicans, who express the most antipathy to the Common Core brand, overwhelmingly Read more about Education Next Poll Results[…]


Teachers feel satisfied yet underappreciated

An often-cited educational utopia is Finland, but even there, a new study finds, only 58.6% of teachers said they felt properly appreciated. The new study is from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and is entitled the “Teaching and Learning International Survey”. It questioned more than 100,000 lower secondary school teachers and about 6,500 Read more about Teachers feel satisfied yet underappreciated[…]


A Global Look at Teaching and Learning

Nearly 90 percent of lower secondary teachers in the U.S. are happy with their job, but only 34 percent think society values their work. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development‘s Teaching and Learning International Survey features results from the U.S. for the first time. The survey asks educators in 34 countries about various factors Read more about A Global Look at Teaching and Learning[…]


Teachers Happier with NCLB Than Many Would Think

A new comprehensive research study, first available from the journal Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, argues that No Child Left Behind has not damaged teachers’ opinion of their profession, as many might have expected. In fact, according to Vanderbilt professor Jason A. Grissom, “Over the time spanning the implementation of No Child Left Behind, the Read more about Teachers Happier with NCLB Than Many Would Think[…]


From Good to Great: Exemplary Teachers Share Perspectives

Through a first-of-its-kind exploratory survey, over 300 National and State Teachers of the Year reveal the professional experiences and supports that they believe most contributed to their growth and eventual excellence as a teacher. Reflecting back on their careers, from preparation through mastery and even into retirement, the teacher leaders surveyed in this study provide Read more about From Good to Great: Exemplary Teachers Share Perspectives[…]


When “You’re Wrong” Isn’t Right: What Common Core Proponents Can Learn from the Anti-Vaxxers

Misinformation about the Common Core State Standards Initiative abounds. Those who seek to correct this misinformation might glean some insights from recent public health research about the power of disinformation campaigns. Navigator Communications  suggests a new approach to communicating with parents and the public about the standards, based on communications work in the health sector. Read more about When “You’re Wrong” Isn’t Right: What Common Core Proponents Can Learn from the Anti-Vaxxers[…]


Flipped Learning Use and Potential

New Speak Up 2013 findings show growth in flipped classroom implementation and interest. A quarter of administrators identified flipped learning as having a significant impact on transforming teaching and learning in their school district, surpassing other digital learning trends such as educational games and mobile apps (21 percent) and even online professional learning communities for Read more about Flipped Learning Use and Potential[…]


Primary Sources: America’s Teachers on Teaching in an Era of Change

In a new primary sources survey, 20,000 teachers provide powerful insights on teaching in an era of change. The verdict is: teachers want their voices heard in order to offer direction on student success, Common Core implementation, teacher evaluation, and parental support. Scholastic and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation released results from the comprehensive Read more about Primary Sources: America’s Teachers on Teaching in an Era of Change[…]


Comparing school success creates impetus for reform

EdNext Editor-in-Chief Paul E. Peterson penned a recent op-ed in favor of the Common Core State Standards. Peterson highlighted a curious result of an EdNext survey of Americans, in which only 21% of those surveyed gave American schools an “A” or “B” but 49% of those surveyed gave their own schools an “A” or “B”. Read more about Comparing school success creates impetus for reform[…]


Conflicting Poll Results Reflect Americans’ Mixed Attitudes on Education

In the continuing era of No Child Left Behind, which calls for verifiable data to be used to make decisions about schools and education policy, standardized tests have become increasingly common for most American schools.  With more recent questions about how much these test scores should be used to evaluate teachers as well as the Read more about Conflicting Poll Results Reflect Americans’ Mixed Attitudes on Education[…]
