The Relationship between Principal Characteristics and Student Achievement

Is a principal’s educational experience, professional behavior, or leadership style related to increased student learning? This systematic review of the literature conducted by Regional Educational Laboratory Southeast with support from the Institutes of Education Sciences answers these questions. The research team identified 52 peer-reviewed studies that met the review criteria, including: One experimental study that Read more about The Relationship between Principal Characteristics and Student Achievement[…]


Recent Paper highlights Non-Cognitive Skills

A new working paper from Transforming Education highlights important findings regarding non-cognitive skills, specifically self-control and social competence in students. The paper is organized around nine “headlines;” these are conclusions that the authors suggest are justified by the research literature. These headlines concern the relationship of non-cognitive skills to academics, careers, and general well-being. The Read more about Recent Paper highlights Non-Cognitive Skills[…]


Continued Progress: Promising Evidence on Personalized Learning

The Gates Foundation and Rand Corporation have partnered to create a report focused on personalized learning approaches to education. This report, Continued Progress: Promising Evidence on Personalized Learning, examines achievement in 62 public charter and district schools that are pursuing a variety of personalized learning practices, and examines implementation details in 32 of those schools. Read more about Continued Progress: Promising Evidence on Personalized Learning[…]


Using New Research to Improve Student Motivation

Teachers know that motivation matters. It is central to student learning; it helps determine how engaged students are in their work, how hard they work, and how well they persevere in the face of challenges. Though we hear mostly about the “achievement gap” between demographic groups, researchers have also identified an “engagement gap,” which the Read more about Using New Research to Improve Student Motivation[…]


Grad Gap Wider than Enrollment Gap Among Poor

A new longitudinal study highlights the stark reality in the U.S. that class matters far more than academic achievement up to grade 12 in terms of graduating from college. Simply put, even the lowest achieving rich students have a higher likelihood of graduating from college than do the highest achieving poor students. In 2002, researchers Read more about Grad Gap Wider than Enrollment Gap Among Poor[…]


Overlooked Educators Key to Deeper Learning

In the world of ed-tech, STEM, and international comparisons, it can be easy to overlook art, music, and drama teachers; career and technical education instructors; and athletic coaches. Yet, as Peter Hofman argues persuasively, these are the very teachers who the most adept at “stimulating student performance and the complex tasks of evaluating substantive demonstrations Read more about Overlooked Educators Key to Deeper Learning[…]


August Issue Brief: Parent Engagement

Research consistently shows that family engagement in learning positively affects a range of student outcomes, including grades, behavior, enrollment in higher level programs, graduation, and college attendance. Parents and teachers want children to succeed, so why is parent engagement such a challenge? In this month’s issue brief, we explore resources and recommendations related to parent Read more about August Issue Brief: Parent Engagement[…]


Grading Teachers by the Test

Eduardo Porter of the New York Times has an ongoing economic column that at times addresses education. An issue that he took up not long ago concerns the increasingly common phenomenon of value added testing. In particular, Porter wants to highlight the potential role of “Goodhart’s Law” related to education testing and teacher evaluation. Goodhart’s Read more about Grading Teachers by the Test[…]


Diversity Issues in Teaching

Recent studies show that the demographic characteristics of teachers can impact student achievement. These findings point to the need for more female teachers in science and mathematics, as well as more ethnic minority educators. More than three-quarters of U.S. public school teachers are female. So it’s a bit surprising to hear an argument that there Read more about Diversity Issues in Teaching[…]


Teaching Experience Matters More Than We Used to Think

Two new research studies that evaluated vast amounts of data both concluded that teachers continue to improve over the course of their careers. The prevailing wisdom from previous research, which many teachers and teachers unions have disputed, said that teachers improved in their first several years of teaching, but then plateaued. The studies looked at Read more about Teaching Experience Matters More Than We Used to Think[…]


MOOCS To Stop Summer Slide

Massive open online course provider edX is teaming with the National Summer Learning Association to provide more than 60 free courses aimed at combatting the “summer slide.” The courses cover computer science, programming, psychology, Advanced Placement prep and more. “The summer slide is a very real challenge faced by many American students, and it can Read more about MOOCS To Stop Summer Slide[…]


Resource From P21 Empowers Parents to Help Kids Thrive in the 21st Century

P21, the Partnership for 21st Century Learning, released an online free resource for parents to help prepare kids for the future of citizenship, learning and the workforce. The National PTA served as a family engagement advisor for the project. To be successful today, students must be civically and digitally literate, globally competent and proficient in Read more about Resource From P21 Empowers Parents to Help Kids Thrive in the 21st Century[…]


The Importance of Social and Emotional Skills for Student Learning

Much has been made in recent years about the importance of “grit” for student success and achievement. Grit has been a term that broadly includes such concepts as persistence, perseverance, and ability to overcome challenges. A new Policy Snapshot from GTL sheds light on how students can come by this crucial trait. Employers and colleges Read more about The Importance of Social and Emotional Skills for Student Learning[…]


A State of Engagement: NASBE Study Group on Student Engagement

A new report from the National Association of State Boards of Education suggests ways that state policymakers can get more students invested in learning. Education is a $600 billion-a-year enterprise, but the investments states make in education will not benefit students unless they are physically and mentally present in the classroom. Too many students are Read more about A State of Engagement: NASBE Study Group on Student Engagement[…]


School Design that Works

Education Resource Strategies (ERS) is a non-profit organization dedicated to transforming how urban school systems organize resources—people, time, technology, and money—so that every school succeeds for every student. Following are three of their new publications that focus on improvements at the school level: Designing Schools That Work:  Organizing Resources Strategically for Student Success Building off Read more about School Design that Works[…]


Supporting Deeper Learning in the Classroom

Digital Promise has released “Developing a System of Micro-credentials: Supporting Deeper Learning in the Classroom,” a publication that explores the Deeper Learning Framework and identifies the specific skills students must master to achieve at high levels. Additionally, it showcases the set of 40 educator micro-credentials Digital Promise designed to ensure that teachers have the competencies Read more about Supporting Deeper Learning in the Classroom[…]
