States can improve equity and outcomes in gifted education, but too many aren’t trying

Writing for Fordham, Brandon Wright recently reviewed evidence that many states are not making effort to improve the equitable implementation of gifted education. Excerpts of the piece appear below:  Last month, the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) released the 2020–21 edition of its “State of the States in Gifted Education.” Published every two to Read more about States can improve equity and outcomes in gifted education, but too many aren’t trying[…]


Future Ready Learner Design Process

All4Ed’s Future Ready Schools® and the Readiness Institute at Penn State have partnered to create and launch the new Future Ready Learner Design Process. This free tool, available now, utilizes a human-centered design (HCD) model, which is a people-oriented approach to solving relevant problems and developing action-oriented solutions. The Future Ready Learner Design Process supports Read more about Future Ready Learner Design Process[…]


Opportunity to Learn, Responsibility to Lead

State policymakers are the constitutional stewards and primary funders of America’s public schools. Through standards, data systems, funding, accountability expectations, and learning supports, as well as many other decisions, state policy significantly shapes and influences whether students have access to the opportunities they need and deserve. Opportunities to learn – the resources, experiences, and expectations Read more about Opportunity to Learn, Responsibility to Lead[…]


National Call to Action for Summer Learning: How Did School Districts Respond?

Seeking to counter the pandemic’s harmful impact on students, the vast majority of school districts nationwide mobilized in 2021 to deliver summer learning programming. A full 94 percent of districts responded, reaching nearly one-fifth (18 percent) of their student populations, on average. A new slide presentation from Westat details early findings from an ongoing multi-method Read more about National Call to Action for Summer Learning: How Did School Districts Respond?[…]


Coaching Improvement Resources

When told with the perspective of hindsight, many improvement stories can seem relatively clear and straightforward– a team isolates a problem, does some tests, learns some things, and a few iterations later, they’ve made progress. In practice, however, applying improvement science principles, tools, and methods to solve a problem in an educational context can be Read more about Coaching Improvement Resources[…]


Using Predicted Academic Performance to Identify At-Risk Students in Public Schools

Ed Working Papers has released a new paper by Ishtiaque Fazlul, Cory Koedel, and Eric Parsons focused on ways to use data to identify at-risk students. This paper offers a promising look at new ways to identify students early so that they can receive timely intervention. Measures of student disadvantage—or risk—are critical components of equity-focused Read more about Using Predicted Academic Performance to Identify At-Risk Students in Public Schools[…]


Equity in Student-Centered Learning Design

A new guide from Education Evolving is designed to help teams design learning that equitably honors the unique assets and needs of students. It provides tips, stand-out examples, and discussion questions for teams to work through, focused on each of Education Evolving’s seven principles of student-centered learning. The guide draws wisdom from 11 brilliant educators Read more about Equity in Student-Centered Learning Design[…]


The Boys Feminism Left Behind

Writing for Common Sense, Richard V. Reeves explores the gender issues affecting boys and men today. Excerpts of the piece appear below: In 1970, on American campuses males dominated. In undergraduate enrollment they were 58 percent of students to females’ 42 percent. Men got more than 85 percent of PhDs. In law schools, about 90 Read more about The Boys Feminism Left Behind[…]


Estimating the Effective Teaching Gap

Inequality in educational outcomes is substantial and persistent in the United States. Students from high-income families outperform those from low-income families on achievement tests, are more likely to graduate high school, and are more likely to earn a college degree. Black and Hispanic students also earn lower scores on standardized tests, on average, and are Read more about Estimating the Effective Teaching Gap[…]


Living Improvement: Resources from the 2021 Carnegie Summit

Since 2014, the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching has hosted the annual Summit on Improvement in Education. It is a key moment where individual practitioners and teams from schools, districts and charter school organizations, institutions of higher education, and intermediaries come together to learn and connect with fellow improvers in the field. In Read more about Living Improvement: Resources from the 2021 Carnegie Summit[…]


Designing for Deeper Learning: Challenges in Schools and School Districts Serving Communities Disadvantaged by the Educational System

Designing for and implementing deeper learning across classrooms and schools that serve communities disadvantaged by the U.S. educational system is challenging. A new paper from the Carnegie Foundation illuminates this challenge by asking the question: What would designers of interventions at the classroom, school, and district levels have to take into consideration when they want Read more about Designing for Deeper Learning: Challenges in Schools and School Districts Serving Communities Disadvantaged by the Educational System[…]


The Education Combination

A report from the Alliance for Resource Quality and The Education Trust identifies and explores 10 dimensions for providing better, more equitable education. The report argues that utilizing the right combination of resources will significantly impact the learning experiences of students of color, students with disabilities, and other students with high needs. The report notes Read more about The Education Combination[…]


Partnering to Scale Instructional Improvement: A Framework for Organizing Research-Practice Partnerships

For decades, researchers and educators alike have been caught in waves of reforms that sought to change the quality of teaching and learning at scale. The press to make instruction more engaging has been amplified by calls to make our educational systems more effective and equitable. While progress has been made in identifying practices and Read more about Partnering to Scale Instructional Improvement: A Framework for Organizing Research-Practice Partnerships[…]


The Adequacy and Fairness of State School Finance Systems, 4th edition

A joint report by researchers from the Albert Shanker Institute and Rutgers University Graduate School of Education finds that high-poverty districts and students of color suffer from K-12 funding that is, on average, well below estimated adequate levels, while low-poverty districts and white students enjoy funding that far exceeds adequate levels. The authors also find Read more about The Adequacy and Fairness of State School Finance Systems, 4th edition[…]


The college gender gap begins in kindergarten

Writing for Fordham’s Flypaper, Michael Petrilli explores the college gender gap and finds that it begins in kindergarten. Petrilli’s recommendations rest on three facts: At the close of the 2020–21 academic year, women made up 59.5 percent of college students, an all-time high, and men 40.5 percent, according to enrollment data from the National Student Read more about The college gender gap begins in kindergarten[…]


On race and schools, here’s what Americans agree and disagree on

Recently in Chalkbeat, Matt Barnum reviewed 20 recent polls taken in the past year to determine where Americans stand on race and schools. Excerpts of the piece appear below:   There are real divides in this country on how to teach about race and racism, particularly on whether to teach about racism as a present-day phenomenon. Read more about On race and schools, here’s what Americans agree and disagree on[…]
