A recent fact sheet from the U. S. Department of Education outlines ways states and districts can sustain their investments in teachers beyond the use of American Rescue Plan funding. Excerpts appear below:
Federal investments are available to support states, districts, and schools as they work to address immediate teacher shortages exacerbated by the pandemic and rebuild the profession for the long term. Under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act Supporting Effective Instruction State Grants (Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Title II, Part A), $2.17 billion was awarded by formula in fiscal year (FY) 2022 to states and school districts. These annual funds may be used to address inequities in access to effective teachers for underserved students, provide professional development, reduce class sizes, improve teacher recruitment and preparation, increase the diversity of the teacher workforce, and a wide range of other uses. Allowable activities also include establishing, improving, or supporting school-based residency programs for teachers and for educators to receive additional certifications in high-need areas.
In addition to ESEA Title II, Part A funds, the following federal programs may be used to sustain ARP investments in key strategies that attract, prepare, support, and retain a diverse teacher workforce and address teacher shortages for the long-term:
- Providing Teachers with a Livable and Competitive Wage
- Improving Basic Programs Operated by Local Educational Agencies (ESEA Title I, Part A)
- Grants to States for Education of Children with Disabilities (IDEA,Part B Grants to States for Education of Children with Disabilities, section 611)
- Investing in a Talented and Diverse Teacher Pipeline
- Teacher Quality Partnership Grants (HEA Title II, Part A)
- Augustus F. Hawkins Centers of Excellence Grants (HEA Title II)
- Indian Education Professional Development Grants (ESEA Title VI, Part A, Subpart 2)
- State Personnel Development Grants Program (IDEA Part D, Subpart 1)
- Career and Technical Education State Grants (Perkins V)
- Rural Education Achievement Program (REAP) (ESEA Title V, Part B)
- Supporting Teachers in Earning Initial or Additional Certification in High-Demand Areas
- Personnel Preparation Program (IDEA Part D, Subpart 2, Section 662)
- English Language Acquisition Grants (ESEA Title III-A)
- Supporting Effective Educator Development Grant Program (SEED) (ESEA Title II, Part B, Subpart 4, Section 2242)
- Alaska Native Education Program (ESEA Title VI, Part C)
- Native Hawaiian Education (ESEA Title VI, Part B)
- Helping Teachers Afford Comprehensive Pathways into the Profession
- Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) (HEA Title IV, Part A, Subpart 9) Grants
- Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program (PSLF) (HEA Title IV, Part D, Section 455(m))
- Providing Teachers and Students with the Resources they Need to Succeed
- Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants (ESEA Title IV, Part A)
- School-Based Mental Health Services Grant Program (ESEA Title IV, Part F, Subpart 3, Section 4631)
- Mental Health Professionals Demonstration Grants Program (ESEA Title IV, Part F, Subpart 3, Section 4631)
- Migrant Education Program (ESEA Title I, Part C)
- Indian Education Grants to Local Educational Agencies Program (ESEA Title VI, Part A, Subpart 1)
- Creating Opportunities for Teacher Advancement and Leadership
- Teacher and School Leader Incentive Grants (ESEA Title II, Part B, Subpart 1)
For more information, see the linked fact sheet.