Supporting New Teachers: What We Know About Effective State Induction Policies

gtl-logoWritten for state legislators, governors, and their staff, this policy snapshot provides an overview of the latest research, information, and policy trends for establishing and supporting effective induction programs.

Induction is a term that is often associated with mentoring of new teachers, and for good reason, but it is important to understand the definition of induction programs that the GTL Center uses:

The terms mentoring and induction are often used interchangeably. However, mentoring is one-on-one support and feedback provided by an experienced veteran teacher to a new or struggling teacher. An induction program is a larger system of support that often includes mentoring but also includes additional supports, such as help with curriculum planning and professional development.

With research showing that there will continue to be high numbers of new teachers hired in coming years as well as research showing that many new teachers currently do not teach beyond an initial 4-5 years, effective induction programs become key to ensuring that effective new teachers stay and grow in the profession.

GTL recommends 5 Strategies for Setting Effective Policy Related to Induction Programs:

  1. Set Program Requirements
    1. Participation
    2. Clear Expectations for the Induction Team
    3. Length of Teacher Induction
    4. Program Standards
    5. Mentor Qualifications
    6. Criteria for Assignment
  2. Allocate Enough Time for Induction Work
    1. Minimum Amounts of Contact Time
    2. Regular Release Time
    3. Manageable Load
  3. Allocate and Secure Resources to Support and Sustain Implementation
  4. Provide Ongoing Professional Development for Teachers and Mentors
  5. Consider the Variation in Needs by Experience and Context
    1. Balance Requirements With Flexibility
    2. Consider Needs of Special Educators and ELL Teachers

Essentially, GTL proposes a comprehensive model that seeks to not allow any new teachers to slip through the cracks. With clear guidelines, induction programs will help increase buy in and bolster the teaching profession.

Here is a link to the policy snapshot:
