Summer Reading: The Top 50 Best Books for Educators

Surely everyone’s list of the top 50 books for educators would be different, but Nick Grantham of Fractus Learning has come up with some pretty good suggestions. Summer reading season is here, and this list has some that you have probably already read, some that you have been meaning to read, and some you have never heard of before.

The list is not in order by rank and is broken into the five categories of Inspiration, Leadership, Educational Psychology, Learning Culture, and Practice.

Notable exceptions include Doug Lemov’s Teach Like a Champion, Amanda Ripley’s The Smartest Kids in the World, Sal Khan’s The One World School House, Diane Ravitch’s Reign of Error, and Marc Tucker’s Surpassing Shanghai.

Following is a link to the list:

and here are links to a few of our previous blogs about some books that could have been on the list:
