State Chiefs Pledge to Maintain Teacher Evaluation Post NCLB

CCSSOThe nation’s state superintendents are trying to send the message that, even though there are no longer any federal requirements for teacher evaluation, states aren’t abandoning their commitment to review their teachers on a regular basis. This comes as a result of the federal passage of ESSA which relaxes the rules on teacher evaluations.

CCSSO has published its own set of teacher evaluation guidelines, which are based on the belief that teacher evaluations should be connected to and inform every component of the talent development system, including preparation, hiring, induction, and retention. Results should inform individual coaching, professional learning, assignment, tenure, career advancement, and teacher leadership opportunities. The guidelines include information on communicating the purpose of teacher support and evaluations, building teacher support and evaluation systems on clearly articulated standards for effective teaching practice (such as InTASC and National Board for Professional Teaching Standards), and providing teachers with frequent, action-oriented feedback connected to professional learning resources. The principles are intended as a guide for state chiefs and their teams.

The guidelines are divided into three main areas:

  • Integrate teacher support and evaluation into broader efforts to develop teaching practice and improve student learning.
  • Drive continuous improvement of teaching practice.
  • Ensure the system is fair, credible, and transparent.

For more commentary, see

For the CCSSO teacher evaluation guidelines, see
