A Simple Cure For Education’s Jargonitis

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Merriam-Webster defines jargon as “the technical terminology or characteristic idiom of a special activity, group, profession, or field of study.”

NPR Ed recently set out to define the most commonly used terms of education jargon in language regular people could understand, using a text editor that restricts you to the 1,000 most common words in the English language. Below are the results:

Words School People Like To Use

Authentic (learning or assessment)

What does this schoolwork have to do with my life or the real world?

Best practices

Let’s all do what the really good people do.

Closing the achievement gap

Some students don’t do as well as other students and we can fix it by working harder.

College and career ready

School should teach you how to learn and work.

Competency-based education

School should be about proving what you know, not just sitting in a chair for a number of weeks or years.

Culturally responsive teaching

Do you know where your students come from and what their lives are like?


We should decide things using numbers.

Deeper learning

Students should think hard, ask questions, and really work.


Is this thing working or not? Let’s find out.


People who try harder do better.

Growth mindset

You can do better if you believe you can do better if you try harder.

Hybrid education

Let’s use computers and people to teach students.


You have a good idea. Making it happen is the hard part.


Don’t stop until you really know a thing.


You might not have to go to college for four years. You can learn good stuff even in just a few weeks, and you should be able to prove that.


All students learn in their own way and their own time. Schools should help them. Maybe with computers?


If your idea is not working, change it.


Good enough.

Professional development

Teach the teachers too.

Project-based learning

Don’t just write words and numbers. Do something.


Schools need to change.


Teaching things step by step so the student can do more and more by herself.


Make your good idea bigger.

Social and emotional skills

Being a good friend and working hard are just as important as books.


Lots of people care what happens in schools, like students, teachers, parents and leaders. You should listen to everybody.


A teacher should act like a businessperson.

Transformative leader

A good leader makes big changes.


We can tell how good a teacher is by his or her students’ work over time.

For the original article, see http://www.npr.org/sections/ed/2016/04/12/473016059/a-simple-cure-for-educations-jargonitis
