During the current COVID-19 global health crisis and shift to distance learning, students are being asked to do more independent work—reading, writing, and problem solving—outside of their time in class. School and district leaders in the West have expressed a need for teachers to have access to user-friendly, research-based guidance on effective ways to design instruction that supports students’ independent learning. REL West recently shared resources that explore the connections between instructional practices and students’ ability to direct their own learning, which is tied to improved academic outcomes.
Report: Formative Assessment and Self-Regulated Learning
This REL West study examined survey results from more than 1,200 teachers and 24,000 students in three Arizona school districts about teachers’ formative assessment practices and students’ learning activities in their classrooms.
For more, see: https://ies.ed.gov/ncee/edlabs/regions/west/Publications/Details/285
Infographic: Supporting Students’ Independent Learning
REL West’s latest resource includes evidence-based recommendations and practical action steps to support students’ independent learning, self-assessment, and self-regulation.
For more, see: https://ies.ed.gov/ncee/edlabs/regions/west/Publications/Details/294