Performance Assessment: Fostering the Learning of Teachers and Students (update)

Against a backdrop of the opportunities provided by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and the challenges for education posed by the new federal administration, the Annenberg Institute for School Report has released an issue of Voices in Urban Education (VUE) and an online supplement that proposes performance assessment as a personalized and rigorous alternative to standardized testing.

Performance assessment provides an opportunity for educators in public schools and districts to more equitably meet the needs of students through the use of more relevant, engaging curriculum and instruction that prepares students for complex problem-solving and collaboration. Performance assessment allows teachers to build on individual students’ strengths and foster more equitable learning outcomes.

The materials include perspectives from students, educators, researchers, and policymakers.

To access the VUE issue (which we previously shared in August), see:

For the new online supplement, see:
