New Toolkit and Crosswalk for Leadership Standards Alignment

air logoThe Center on Great Teachers & Leaders at AIR has released a new toolkit and crosswalk, Aligning Leadership Standards to the Professional Standards for Educational Leaders.

Many states are transitioning or considering a transition to the new Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (PSEL), developed by the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO). Developed in partnership with that organization, this toolkit offers SEAs, leadership preparation programs, and other organizations a step-by-step process for aligning their current leadership standards to the PSEL to determine gaps. Also included is a crosswalk of the new PSEL standards with the Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium (ISLLC) 2008 standards to illustrate where there is alignment between the two sets of standards and where PSEL goes beyond ISLLC 2008.

The toolkit and crosswalk can help policymakers and education leaders answer the following critical questions:

  • How do the new PSEL standards differ from the standards currently in use?
  • Do the new standards contain expectations for school leaders that are not in the leadership standards currently used?
  • Are there areas represented in the current leadership standards that no longer need to be included?

For the crosswalk, see:

For the toolkit, see:
