Since 2014, the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching has hosted the annual Summit on Improvement in Education. It is a key moment where individual practitioners and teams from schools, districts and charter school organizations, institutions of higher education, and intermediaries come together to learn and connect with fellow improvers in the field. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the improvement community gathered for Summit 2021, which Carnegie hosted as a virtual conference. In doing so, presenters from more than 240 sessions created a vast treasure trove of improvement resources to share with Summit attendees. Following the Summit, these resources were available to conference attendees as part of a digital library.
Now, the Foundation is making a curated selection of these resources available to all improvers. With a generous grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Carnegie Foundation will be releasing practical, immediately applicable resources on the role of improvement science in education—its efficacy, best practices, use to advance equity, and key enabling conditions to inform scale and sustainability efforts.
Over the next four months, resources will be released in four topic areas: leadership, equity, data, and coaching. It is hoped that this series will enable wide access to continuous improvement tools and resources created by a variety of Summit presenters.
We hope that these releases will show the depth and breadth of the improvement work underway in the field. These resources represent the work of thoughtful, dynamic, and passionate improvers who are making a real difference in the lives of students and educators across the country and around the world.
For more, see: https://www.carnegiefoundation.org/blog/living-improvement-resources-from-the-2021-carnegie-summit/