June Issue Brief: Clinically-Based Teacher Preparation

In the past, it was common for teacher candidates to spend long hours in university classrooms before ever encountering a child. Student teaching was the ultimate capstone where prospective teachers finally had a chance to apply years of accumulated theory. Now, however, teacher preparation programs are reconfiguring themselves to infuse clinical- and practice-based experiences in every course. Residencies, internships, and field experiences are becoming the heart of teacher preparation, and teachers are learning in real time, on the job.

In this month’s issue brief, we offer resources related to clinically-based teacher preparation and explore ideas about how to place practice at the center of coursework through simulation and rehearsal.

To access the issue brief, see: http://us5.campaign-archive1.com/?u=a4ae2b1b129b9f8a29d50b80f&id=c39cf2f25a

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