January Issue Brief: Effective State Education Agencies

In Case You Missed It!With the authorization of the Every Student Succeeds Act, all eyes are on State Education Agencies (SEAs) for direction and leadership related to education reform. There is no doubt that SEAs will serve an essential role in the future of our country’s educational system, but the scope of that role will be largely determined by each state’s readiness and capacity to fulfill new expectations.

To be effective, SEAs must establish clear goals and define their own responsibilities related to oversight, allocation of resources, policy leadership, communications, and implementation. In the process, they must set limits around what is and what is not within their purview. In this month’s issue brief, we explore research, commentary, and resources related to SEA effectiveness and the role of the State Education Agency under ESSA.

You can read the issue brief here: http://us5.campaign-archive1.com/?u=a4ae2b1b129b9f8a29d50b80f&id=b4ec81c169&e=60969abf82

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