Human Capital Resources for Schools and Districts

Noyce LogoThe Noyce Foundation supports major research and development efforts by quality national organizations to create new models for the recruitment, compensation, development, evaluation, and accountability of school principals and teachers as well as district and other leaders.

The collection of R&D efforts includes resources from Education Resource Strategies, New Leaders, New Visions for Public Schools, Teach Plus, TNTP and Urban Schools Human Capital Academy. Titles include the following:

Professional Growth Materials

School Design Materials

Teacher Compensation Materials

Great Principals at Scale: Creating Conditions that Enable All Principals to be Effective

Great Principals at Scale Toolkit

Emerging Leaders Program Overview

Emerging Leaders Program Outcomes

SMART Goal Map for Emerging Leaders Program

Data Tools: A Focus on Tableau

Custom Student Sorter Tools

1,000 Teachers Examine PARCC: Perspectives on the Quality of New Assessments

Raising the Bar: The Views of California Teachers on Tenure, Layoffs and Dismissal

Teacher Coaching: Bringing Professional Development into the Classroom

Core Teaching Rubric

SAP’s Instructional Practice Guides

Principal’s Human Resources “Bill of Rights”

Power Metrics

Assess, Breakthrough and Change Tool (ABC): Teacher Quality

Tennessee Principals Receive Coaching on Observing Teachers and Providing Feedback

We find the Noyce Foundation resources to be extremely useful and comprehensive.

For links to each of these resources, see
