Teachers need helpful feedback and support to improve their instruction and own their professional growth. Over the past four years, 30 states have changed how they evaluate teachers, and another 14 states are slated to do so in the next two years. As many of those states are learning, however, simply developing new evaluation tools is not enough. To raise student achievement and improve practice, states and districts must now commit the resources needed to implement those tools with fidelity. That means shifting their attention to the end goal of evaluation systems: giving teachers the feedback and support that will help them improve their instructional practice and therefore improve student outcomes.
Giving Teachers the Feedback and Support They Deserve: Five Essential Practices describes what five leading districts (Aldine, TX; Fulton, CO., GA; Greene Co., TN; Salem-Keizer, OR; St. Bernard Parish, LA) are doing to improve the quality of feedback and support teachers receive. Education First, with support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, describes five essential practices to ensure teachers receive effective high-quality feedback and support from their evaluation systems.
Below is an image of the five essential practices:
For more information, please visit: http://bit.ly/1SKImuE