Education Week: “Spotlight on Professional Learning Communities”

Education Week is offering another free “Spotlight” collection for download, this one focused on professional learning communities (PLCs).  Spotlights are a collection of past articles from the publication focused on a particular topic.  The 10 articles in this Spotlight offer insights on:

–Building effective teacher teams
–Starting a new PLC
–Preventing Group Burnout
–Tips on keeping professional learning teams organized
–Increasing teacher-to-teacher collaboration
–Creating a culture of teacher support

I highlighted two other free Spotlights a couple of months ago that are still available, but just in case you missed them I believe they are worth touching on again.  One is on data-driven decision making, and the other on professional development:

Spotlight on Reinventing Professional Development (8 articles)

–professional learning communities (PLCs)
–effective teacher teams
–ways to improve professional development
–building teacher leadership
–creating a culture of teacher learning
–web-based professional development
–research on staff training
–using social networks for staff development

Spotlight on Data-Driven Decision-Making (9 articles)

–mining data to improve student learning
–leveraging schools’ investment in data systems
–using data to predict which students are likely to dropout
–managing student privacy
–securing school data systems from crashes and failures
–implementing student-data technology

To learn more and download the featured Spotlights, please visit
