Designing Professional Learning

The Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership has released their Designing Professional Learning report, which provides a snapshot of the key elements involved in creating effective and engaging professional learning in a globally dispersed market.

This report provides detailed guidance on how to configure and evaluate context-specific models. It includes a Learning Design Anatomy which provides a framework for understanding the elements of effective professional learning. This anatomy includes the components of Environment, Delivery, and Action. Each of these is broken into the following elements:

Environmental Elements: Participants, Conditions

Delivery Elements: Structure, Accessibility, Aesthetics, Content, Features, Tools

Action Elements: Transference, Flexibility

Each learning design element is framed by a detailed series of questions that challenge users to refine and clarify aims, intended learning outcomes and the most effective ways in which to engage—taking into consideration the unique context for learning.

The report is designed to be of use to teachers, school leaders, policy makers, system administrators and professional learning providers.

To view the report, see:
