Establishing and Sustaining Networked Improvement Communities

Networked improvement communities are a relatively new type of collaborative research partnership between researchers and educators. With facilitation from researchers, educators identify problems of practice, the factors that drive the problems, and promising solutions. They then engage in iterative cycles of designing, implementing, testing, and redesigning solutions, while learning from variation across the settings in Read more about Establishing and Sustaining Networked Improvement Communities[…]


Promising Leadership Practices for Rapid School Improvement That Lasts

A new report from the Center on School Turnaround presents promising practices for how to sustain the advances made in schools that have demonstrated rapid improvement. The practices presented are derived from a comprehensive review of relevant literature, and from the experience of five school principals who not only facilitated school turnaround but also sustained Read more about Promising Leadership Practices for Rapid School Improvement That Lasts[…]

In Case You Missed It!

April Issue Brief: Scheduling for Success

Time is one of the resources most valuable to educators, but school schedules do not always allocate time to the activities that our schools purport to value most. Schedules can be better designed to foster planning and collaboration, flexible instructional blocks to differentiate content to student need, and opportunities for small group instruction and student-directed Read more about April Issue Brief: Scheduling for Success[…]


A Partnership between Evidence-Based Policy and Practice-Based Evidence

Paul Lingenfelter, president emeritus of the State Higher Education Executive Officers Association, recently reflected on the impasse between policymakers and educational practitioners in the Carnegie Commons blog. Excerpts from his piece appear below: Educators and policymakers together have failed to develop the capabilities needed to achieve the higher levels of education achievement demanded in the Read more about A Partnership between Evidence-Based Policy and Practice-Based Evidence[…]


How well are American Students Learning?

The Brown Center on Education Policy at Brookings has released the 16th annual Brown Center Report (BCR) on American Education by Tom Loveless. The 2017 BCR investigates three issues that are relevant to the current dialogue on U.S. education. Part I analyzes the changing scores of American students on two international tests; Part II revisits Read more about How well are American Students Learning?[…]


This Time, With Feeling: Integrating Social and Emotional Development and College- and-Career-Ready Standards

A new report from the Aspen Institute calls attention to how students’ social and emotional development must be integrated with academics in order for students to fully achieve these aspirations. This Time, With Feeling: Integrating Social and Emotional Development and College- and-Career-Ready Standards draws directly from states’ standards in English, Science, and Math to demonstrate Read more about This Time, With Feeling: Integrating Social and Emotional Development and College- and-Career-Ready Standards[…]


Implementation Science

Sarah McKay recently provided an excellent introduction to Implementation Science in the  Carnegie Commons Blog. Excerpts of her piece appear below: The aim of implementation science is to understand how interventions are adopted, implemented, and spread. It’s less about the effectiveness of the intervention itself, because that is expected to have been evaluated prior to Read more about Implementation Science[…]


Teacher Leadership Self-Assessment and Readiness Tools

A new suite of teacher leadership self-assessment and readiness tools have been designed for teachers exploring leadership opportunities and leaders considering teacher leadership initiatives. Developed in collaboration and consultation with the Regional Educational Laboratory (REL) Midwest Educator Effectiveness Research Alliance, REL Midwest, and the Center on Great Teachers and Leaders (GTL Center), the tools are Read more about Teacher Leadership Self-Assessment and Readiness Tools[…]


New Reports on Postsecondary Preparation, Readiness, and Outcomes

The Institute of Education Sciences has released two new reports from the Regional Educational Laboratories (REL) program on accelerated college credit programs and college and career readiness. Characteristics and postsecondary pathways of students who participate in acceleration programs in Minnesota This REL Midwest study examined the 2011 cohort of Minnesota public high school graduates who Read more about New Reports on Postsecondary Preparation, Readiness, and Outcomes[…]

In Case You Missed It!

Issue Brief: Effective School Leaders

School administrators serve as instructional leaders and set the tone for the culture of a school. The principal’s influence is pivotal. In the March issue brief, Core Education explores effective school leadership and recommendations for policy to improve the training, support, and evaluation of educational leaders.   To view the issue brief, see: To Read more about Issue Brief: Effective School Leaders[…]


Place-Based Education

Getting Smart has released three new resources on Place-Based Education. The first guide and infographic, What is Placed Based Education and Why Does it Matter?, offers an overview of Place-Based Education including definitions, benefits and examples. It features diverse examples of Place-Based Education in practice submitted by educators all over the world. The second guide, Read more about Place-Based Education[…]


Do Schools Challenge Our Students Now?

When the Center for American Progress released its 2012 report, Do Schools Challenge Our Students?, many states had just committed to the Common Core State Standards. The standards were an attempt to raise expectations by establishing a new set of rigorous K-12 academic benchmarks, and the CAP analysis underscored the need for more rigorous standards, Read more about Do Schools Challenge Our Students Now?[…]


Leverage Points

Results for America and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) recently released Leverage Points, a new report that spotlights 13 opportunities for states to accelerate their use of data and evidence to improve K-12 schools. The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires in some parts (and encourages in others) the use of evidence-based Read more about Leverage Points[…]


Principal Professional Development: New Opportunities for a Renewed State Focus

AIR’s Cortney Rowland has written a new report examining the opportunities provided by ESSA for states to focus on principal professional development. Again and again, states and districts have focused on teachers rather than principals when making policy and allotting funds and resources for professional development and support. Principals’ groups and other educators have long Read more about Principal Professional Development: New Opportunities for a Renewed State Focus[…]


WWC Review Finds Dual Enrollment Programs Have Positive Impacts on High School Students

Research shows that dual enrollment programs have positive effects on high school achievement and completion, as well as college access, enrollment and degree attainment, according to a new What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) intervention report. The Institute of Education Sciences recently released a report that summarizes research reviewed by the WWC on how dual enrollment programs Read more about WWC Review Finds Dual Enrollment Programs Have Positive Impacts on High School Students[…]


State Teacher Leadership Toolkit: Created By States, For States

State education agencies have a unique opportunity through the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) to access the funding and support needed to advance their approach to teacher leadership. The State Teacher Leadership Toolkit provides a playbook for states to develop a framework to guide the planning, design, implementation, and assessment of teacher leadership initiatives that Read more about State Teacher Leadership Toolkit: Created By States, For States[…]
