Back To School with the What Works Clearinghouse™

wwc_rotator_bts_082913As summer winds down and the classroom heats up, turn to practice guides from the What Works Clearinghouse™ (WWC) for practical back-to-school teaching tips. The What Works Clearinghouse is part of the Institute of Educational Sciences and is recognized as a practical and reliable source for research-backed best teaching practices.

Core Subjects

Read quick tips for math, language arts, and behavioral issues to try in your classroom.

First Bell

Learn how to use evidence-based recommendations from WWC practice guides.

The WWC’s in-depth practice guides combine evidence-based research and professional guidance on what works—or doesn’t work— in reading instruction, classroom behavior, dropout prevention, math, English language learning, adolescent literacy, data-driven decision making, and more!

For more information, please visit: and
